How To Keep A Real Christmas Tree Green
Keeping your Christmas tree green and lively is a key to a perfect holiday, but a safe one too. Your tree needs care you’d probably not think of including the correct placement and amount of water.
Not Putting Tree up Right Away?
When you get home, if you’re not putting your tree up right away, place it in a bucket of water. (Note that you should always store real trees in an unheated garage or area that’s protected from wind and freezing temperatures.)
When you’re ready to bring it inside, make another one-inch cut off the bottom of the trunk. Once inside, place it in a sturdy stand that holds at least one gallon of water.
Water It
Keep the water source for the tree filled daily. The average Christmas tree can use as much as 1 gallon of water a day. **Be sure to check water level early on as freshly-cut Christmas trees tend to quickly absorb more water in the first few days of cutting.
Place Humidifier Near Tree
This is a great way to help keep a live Christmas tree fresh throughout the holiday season. Place a humidifier near the Christmas tree and turn it on each day or night. This will keep the air moist and provide extra freshness.
Location Matters
Place your tree away from spots that provide heat. This includes forced air, radiators and sunny spots. Your tree if not placed properly can be fire hazard or block heating elements that warm your home.
Opt for LED lights. LED lights are cooler and help tree healthier.